
Can I use Concrobium Mold Control in my kitchen?

Concrobium is safe for use on virtually any kitchen surface, including flooring, countertops, walls, faucets, cabinets, sinks. Because the solution contains no harmful chemicals, it’s even safe for use in the refrigerator!

Spray the affected area with Concrobium Mold Control and allow to dry thoroughly. Concrobium works as it dries to crush and eliminate the mold spores at the roots but will not change the color of the mold.
Next, scrub the surface with a Concrobium-dampened cloth or brush to remove remaining mold residue. If mold staining remains, you may have to take additional cosmetic steps like re-painting or using Concrobium Mold Stain Eraser to improve the look of the surface.
As a final step after cleaning, reapply Concrobium Mold Control to surfaces to help provide resistance against re-infestation.

Más de Mold Control Panama

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